
An object database for your Flask application.


Flask-ZODB inherits these features from the ZODB:

  • Transparent persistence of arbitrary Python objects. The only requirement is that the objects are “pickleable”, which is true for most objects that represent data and are not dependent on external resources such as a file descriptor. Any object can also be made pickleable as per the pickle protocol.

    This feature also means you can save deeply nested datastructures and that references between objects are handled correctly. That is: if you reference the same object in more than one place, the references will continue to reference the same object until you say otherwise. This means you can associate a blog post with a user object directly rather than indirectly by say a user ID or the username as a string, and it Just Works™ even after the user changes their account data, for example.

  • Scalability through support for multiprocess deployments and selective reading and writing of data. Whereas with the pickle module you would normally read and write all data every time the ZODB only writes new and changed data and lazily reads data on demand as you try to access it.

  • ACID properties ensuring reliable operations and integrity of data.

In addition the extension offers these features itself:

  • On-demand connection management. If you don’t use the ZODB during a request, it is never connected. If you do use it, it connects automatically and subsequently disconnects at the end of the request.

  • Automatic transaction management. The automatic connections also act as transactions that gets committed unless there was an error in which case the transaction is rolled back.

  • Clean API and code conforming to best practices for Flask extensions.

  • 100% test coverage. While coverage is a weak measurement of test quality, it is at least a starting point.


Just pip it from the PyPI, or include it as a dependency for your application:

$ pip install Flask-ZODB

Development takes place on GitHub where you can also report any bugs you find.

Setting it Up

First, let’s stub a basic Flask application:

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)

To set it up for using Flask-ZODB, we need to configure a storage and then create an extension object for ZODB which will also initiate the Flask application for handling ZODB connections:

app.config['ZODB_STORAGE'] = 'file://app.fs'

from flask.ext.zodb import ZODB
db = ZODB(app)

The above uses a filestorage called app.fs, located relative to the working directory – this is rarely what you want in practice but is good enough for demonstrative purposes and maybe for development.

Using the ZODB from a Flask View

This db object we set up functions like a normal Python dict that is persistent between requests and server restarts, independent of the user session and can be set up to propagate between multiple processes or over a network. Requests in Flask are treated as a transaction that is committed if there was no exception raised.

from flask import request, redirect, render_template

@app.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def index():
    if request.method == 'POST':
        db['shoutout'] = request.form['message']
        return redirect('index')
        message = db.get('shoutout', 'Be the first to shout!')
        return render_template('index.html', message=message)

The template might look something like this:

<h1>{{ message }}</h1>

<form action="{{ url_for('index') }}" method=POST>
  <input name=message>
  <button type=submit>Post!</button>

Connecting from Outside Requests

All you need to do is set up a test request context for your Flask application and the ZODB object will be able to connect, and commit when the request context is “popped”:

with app.test_request_context():
    db['shoutout'] = 'Developer was here!'

This can be useful in unit tests or from an interactive shell, or perhaps in a Flask-Script command. Typically a test request context is already set up in these cases and you can just use db directly.

Gotcha: Mutating Persisted Objects

If you save a mutable object in the ZODB and later mutate it, ZODB will not be able to detect this and it won’t be saved! This is because ZODB tries hard to avoid needless reading and writing and will only write new objects. You can tell ZODB that an object was changed by setting the _p_changed attribute to be true, or you can use the data types shipped with ZODB that handles this for you.

from flask.ext.zodb import Object, List

class User(Object):

    def __init__(self, name, password):
        self.name = name
        self.password = password
        self.shoutouts = List()

API Reference


Flask configuration option which must be set to one of:

  • A URI string supported by zodburi
  • A tuple (storage_factory, db_keyword_args)
  • A callable storage_factory
class ZODB(app=None)

Extension object. Behaves as the root object of the storage during requests, i.e. a PersistentMapping.

db = ZODB()

app = Flask(__name__)

As a shortcut if you initiate ZODB after Flask you can do this:

app = Flask(__name__)
db = ZODB(app)

Added as a teardown_request to applications to commit the transaction and disconnect ZODB if it was used during the request.


Request-bound database connection.


Create a ZODB connection pool from the app configuration.


Configure a Flask application to use this ZODB extension.


True if there is a Flask request and ZODB was connected.

Persistent Objects

This module exports some shorthand aliases for the persistent types and balanced trees commonly used with ZODB.

class Object

Alias of persistent.Persistent. Use this as the base class for your plain objects instead of object, if you intend to save the object in ZODB. This way changes to existing objects are detected and saved automatically.

class List

Alias of persistent.list.PersistentList. Use this instead of list for lists that you save in ZODB and changes to it will be detected and saved automatically. Not necessary if you won’t be changing the list after it is saved.

class Dict

Alias of persistent.mapping.PersistentMapping. Use this instead of dict for mappings that you save in ZODB and that you might want to make changes to later. This way those changes will automatically be detected and saved.

class BTree

Alias of BTrees.OOBTree.OOBTree. Behaves mostly like Dict but requires that the keys are orderable and performs better on large mappings. Whereas a Dict is fully loaded in memory every time it is read, a BTree mapping only loads the items that you try to read.

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